EVO oil, what does it mean? What is EVO oil
You have often heard of EVO oil, in restaurants, in recipes or on the web and you have always wondered what it actually means.
You've often read EVO oil among advertisements and labels but you don't know what it means. You have probably always bought the same olive oil and today by pouring it on your bruschetta, in a salad or using it for a recipe, you have decided to discover its meaning. Before that you must know there are also other types besides EVO, there are virgin olive oil, olive oil and olive pomace oil. They all have the same share of unsaturated fats but have different organoleptic characteristics and a different degree of acidity.
To understand the refinement of such a product just think the production of EVO oil in the world is centered for 98% in Europe and olive oil represents only about 3% of the vegetable oils produced in the world (such as that of soy, palm and rapeseed).
If you are faced with the possibility of enjoying bread, a focaccia or any dish made with this special oil, tasting it in different products is the best way to discover and enhance it in your meals. The same oil whose meaning you are wondering is the best among all vegetable oils. For that reason Oleificio Sapigni offers 7 types of it, guaranteeing an excellent combination for each recipe. Therefore...
EVO oil what does it mean?
We are talking about extra virgin olive oil, the most "noble" among all, for a number of reasons. Being technical, can be definied extra vergin olive oil only the oil obtained directly from the extraction of the olives and exclusively with mechanical, thermally controlled processes. It must be free from organoleptic defects and with an acidity not exceeding 0.8%. Not to be confused with the bitter, fruity or spicy taste, which are the 'character' of each different oil.
Some of the reasons for such excellence are found in the fact that American Food and Drug qualifies extra virgin olive oil as a "medicine" or in the fact that it has a high percentage of mono-unsaturated fatty acids, in particular oleic acid , called "good fat" and essential to many of our biological processes. In addition, EVO keeps weight under control, is good for the heart, helps keep fit and fights cell aging. As well as the main condiment in the action of digestion and absorption of some essential nutrients.
In case you have not yet understood, here the end of the story explained: EVO is an acronym for Extra Virgin Olive Oil and therefore it is not another type of oil but just another way of referring to extra virgin olive oil.